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Product Detail

1.Primer Order-引子合成.jpg

Primer Order

Product Info

1. Fill out the form and provide the following information
2. Please provide the name and sequence of the primer to be synthesized
3. The specifications to be synthesized, for example: 25 nmol, 50 nmol, 100 nmo, 200 nmol, 1      µmol.
    GENEWIZ primer synthesis specification, which refers to the initial amount of materials              used in synthesis. Since the synthesis reaction cannot reach 100% reaction efficiency, the        output will never be equal to the initial amount of starting materials. Yield is usually affected      by sequence characteristics. In addition, purification methods and modifications will also            reduce the final yield.

    *The guaranteed yield will be determined by the exact oligonucleotide length,                    specification and purification method. The actual output delivered will be ±10% of the        guaranteed output.
4. Whether it needs to be modified

5. Choose the purification method, for example: Desalt, Page or HPLC
6. Complete the form and send it to the local business mailbox. If you have any                      questions, please contact the local business
    Order notice:

1) Suggested primer purification method

2) For the North and South Districts, due to delivery time issues, it will take 1-2 days

    Frequently asked questions about primer synthesis:

1) According to the XXX experiment I did, which purification method is better for my              primer?

    Please refer to the table below

2) Will the OD value during ordering increase or decrease due to the purification method?

    The order quantity is 2 OD, and the final quantity obtained is 2 OD. There will be no          increase or loss due to the purification method, and it will be shipped dry.

3) How long can be combined?

    Our Primer can synthesize up to 150bp, if it exceeds this length, we will use other              synthesis methods

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